Tale of Serpent and the Tail

The conspiracy is to reinstitute the Jewish Pale area from Crimea thru the Ukraine up thru the Baltic region of East Europe then from that point the intent of the conspiracy is to reconstitute Jewish thrivalry in eastern Europe and then reconstitute the Bolsheviks and another communnist revolution in Russia. The conspiracy then is for hundreds and a thousand years of Zionists supremacy in the world with the state of Israel as their occultic center with the Jewish heretic book the Babylonian Talmund and the Jewish Kabballah as the ruling religion. The nation of Britain is part of the conspiracy and also intent for control of the world. Russia knows this all to well and proposedly hates the conspiracy.

Now this conspiracy has been done before and can last hundreds and a thousand years as has been done before since the end of the Babylonian empire in 457 B.C. in which it took so long to reach the height of the Pale of the Bolsheviks for the iron grip. Now in that time 457 B.C. the Jews were able to return back to the place of Israel from Babylon but many did not and it is recorded: it is recorded in the Vision of the Four Chariots in the Scriptures for in the vision there were red horses, black horses, white horses, grisled horses, and bay horses. But it was the black horses which it is recorded in the Scriptures these were them in the Pale: "Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country." (Zechariah 6:8).

Now about this true history of the Jewish Pale it was a satanic trap of death for the inhabitants at least at the communist revolution in 1917 A.D. The history speaks for itself. Now in the 1930's in Germany the Nazi party hated the communists and the communist party which was run by Jews. And in this Hitler hated the Jews/communists and loved Germany and Austria and so sought to instil an impure vile Third Reich not to exterminate the Jews but to take by force all of North Africa and Palestine and deport all Jews to Palestine which the German Nazi army did take all the area. So what happened who wanted to kill the Jews? It was the satanic occultic Zionists who wanted to kill any Jew who desired to assimilate in place of being true zionists which is ironic because these Jews also are the Jews that Hitler proposedly would seek to deport to Palestine as his forces had already taken over the area. The Jews which seeked to assimilate were accused by the zionists of calling those nations their true home whether Poland, Germany, Austria, or Russia to be their own Zion to stay and to never leave; this culminating in the twentieth century from out of the Pale. In contrast, these assimilators were accused by Hitler of seeking to degrade the nation and control the nation which they wanted to assimilate into and to stay with degradation of the nation calling it Zion.

Zionism was taught in schools in Hungary but out of Austria it would be Rothschild who would be the orchestrator of Zionism. Zionism being against assimilating as Zionism being for world control via world communism; assimilators being not Zionist rather to call the nation of assimilation home and to not leave. Zionism demands the leaving aspect and as a side note the Soviet Jews did indeed leave as was demanded by the Zionists in the early 1990's. So what do you say then is it bad for the Jews to stay in a respective nation; or is it bad for them to leave the respective nation by the demands of the Zionists to go to the Jewish homeland of Israel. For to answer the question is it bad for anyone to stay in a nation for to degrade it for communism to call that nation Zion; or else is it bad for occultic satanic Zionists to seek with a conspiracy to control the world via world communism this time out of the occultic center of Rothschild in Israel. So as a new nation of Israel having been reborn in 1948 the latter being the Serpent and the Tail as the occult of Zionism the conspiracy is to wrap around again. With that the end for explanation other than the fact that current day Russia knows all to well. America is great despite the communist Liberal Democrat Biden. Jesus is Lord.