Tale of the Two Towers
-- 911

As this information comes by way of trailer #3 this is revealed what really happened on 911. The reason the information is now given out to the writer of the tale is for the reason that one of the instrumental persons is still alive and thus the information is not supposed to be revealed until that is no longer the case. But the information is now allowed to be given out by trailer #3 which it is now given here.

First of all the concept of how the two towers fell on that day needs to be explained first. So this is the concept: something that is real when something becomes impossible then the something that is real then has to disappear. Now how this is done is strange but it can be explained in a true example that the underworld has used before but this particular not 911. So the example starts out as two points on two perpendicular streets which a person walks from a starting point on a street on the left side then at an intersection turns directly left and continues to walk down the other street to a destination point without crossing a street. So there the person is walking from a starting point to a destination point in this then the person turns around from the destination point and walks back to the starting point using the same path. The person continues to do this all day long back and forth, back and forth. For this type of operation from the underworld a dark angel intends to possess this person walking and the dark angel takes over the legs of the person and continues to walk the person back and forth between these two points until it becomes impossible above human capacity. When this occurs above human capacity then the destination point as the person is walking will have to disappear for the reason that this is an impossible event. Because of the physics of the concept the destination point is always the point to disappear.

Under this concept the two towers could not exist by that day on 911. So to explain this operation it was in year 1984 that the operation was conceived that the two towers would come down. The reason for the operation was because the dismay of the underworld at the American nationhood at that time. This dismay brought about the idea that the two towers would come down at a most least desired time for the nation. So what happened was that the underworld chose a certain person to wormhole thru a time tunnel/travel from year 1984 to year 2001 New York City where the two towers existed. Now the person initials M.E. was to perform this walk-trick which was explained above by using the two towers as the destination point. The starting point unknown.

Now in this though as is known the two towers did not disappear rather they fell. Technically in the physics the two towers would have disappeared but there was a twist in this operation. The twist was that the underworld sought not for the towers to disappear but rather to create a grand scheme like from a ticker out of the underworld. So how they did this was that the person of 1984 of the time-travel performing the walk-trick on 2001 would ALSO be the same person which on 911 in 2001 would be wormholed in real time (not time-traveled) to the two towers complex being during the same time that the younger self of that person from 1984 would be doing the walk-trick. This was meant to cause a paradox thus preventing the two towers from disappearing as the person from the two different time periods being at the complex at the same time this in the physics would cause a paradox to exist. An impossible event had occurred the two towers were not supposed to exist but this as the dark angels intended for they had a plan. The person of the walk-trick after reaching the impossible human capacity level was subsequently wormholed/time-traveled back to 1984; while the person in the real time would be wormholed in real time (not time-traveled) back to where was residing in Florida close to an hour before. The paradox of the two towers still standing because of the new added physics was dangerous for time and space, but the underworld planned to bring the towers down anyway for the plan.

So what ensued was that the underworld basically like a ticker would perform the grand scheme which they desired. This being on the record as per 911 only to add that all had been for prepared unknowingly. As for the two towers the two planes did indeed hit the two towers just as the ticker but these did not nor were predicted to bring the two towers down. It would be that the dark angels would perform this task bringing them down. Now as for the building 7 this was not the case. In the case of building 7 because of the paradox caused by this operation the upper realms got a capitulation to bring building 7 down.

All the passengers of the proposed four airlines were present inside the two towers at the most violent points. The reason for this was that these persons had at a previous time had given a particular capitulation that they would agree that "they would not be alive on that day". The reason for the agreement was that they would be entreated to go to the Moonbase which they did. Also on that day at the Moonbase the previous controllers were put down these controllers being from Saudi Arabia. The secret underground base used for the wormholing and time-traveling was the Saudi Arabian secret underground base as per the underworld. An extra note was given about the state of the nationhood of America at the time of 911 which was that the underworld sought to have the affect being that of aloofness or "not knowing anything".