Transmission from Moonbase

November 11, 2012-- transmission received from the moonchild. Transmission received by around one thousand people being ones reserved only for the perpetual emf signal surveillance and harassment. The transmission occurred in afternoon central time November 11, 2012 which tranmitted a double take meaning stating it twice. The transmission was by the fourteen year-old female moonchild from the Moonbase being only person left on the moon at this point. The term "we" is used in the transmission being referral not to the entities as stated before UPDATE but to Fort Meade as having communication with the moonchild. UPDATE ON TRANSMISSION (1/2013): Intension of transmission was desire by Fort Meade to get rid of the findings then for moonchild to catapult using what is called on the moon-- the pullport. Moonchild in agreement gave the transmission but that Fort Meade being reluctant to proceed as being blackmailed by the entities. As result the findings continue to be active The transmission was as follows: "WE ARE ABOUT TO GET RID OF THE FINDINGS." The term "findings" is in referrence to the database system on the Moonbase used to find individuals either perpetually at every moment, or any other person listed in the system can be found at any moment which are in the thousands of record.

This transmission was received by the writer of the tale as the other fill-in information was given by trailer #3. Transmission has been received before from the Moonbase by the writer as in the capitulation of last remaining adults but this being first transmission received from the moonchild by the writer. The term "about" unknown but that when this occurs all utilizing Moonbase for signals in U.S., Britain, or Israel will loose ability to find.