Andromeda Galaxy Non-Existent

If Andromeda as a galaxy doesn't exist then none of the other smaller or dwarf galaxies exist as all their existence hinges on the Andromeda galaxy fable. The true fact is Andromeda is a nebula called the Andromeda nebula and the Milky Way galaxy being in fact the entirety of the universe.

Proof -- to show no other galaxies or stars exist outside the Milky Way galaxy can be shown by five ways: the flawed use of the red-light shift; the speed of movement of a perceived Andromeda galaxy; the concept of blackness; a periscope; and hinging.

--Red-light shift -- was used by astonomer Edwin Hubble to determine that Andromeda was not a nebula but a far away galaxy. Red-light shift is used for determining if light is moving toward or away from a certain place. The concept is if light moves toward then there is a blue-light shift more increasing as the light gets closer; if the light moves away then there is red-shift also increasing as the light moves away. But Hubble concocted a design of equations using red-light shift to determine distance by flickering light and given that Andromeda is not even moving in relation to earth this is impossible. The Hubble argument is extremely ambiguious and confusing.

--Speed -- the speed of stars moving thru a telescope (earth rotates in movement; but the stars don't move). If Andromeda was really a galaxy it would move extremely to fast thru a telescope that hardly a way it could even be seen. This being true not even telescope motors would be able to track Andromeda being the speed which it move across the telescope. Why is this?
By experiment:
1. Sit in a room with a ruler. The ruler is the telescope.
2. Hold the ruler with thumb and index finger on one end with other end pointed toward the wall. Hand is the earth.
3. Holding the ruler horizontal to the ground still pointed toward the wall pivot the ruler thrity degrees upward keeping the end holding in same postion.
4. Looking at the wall accross the room visualize how far the trajectory point on the wall moved from the horizontal position to the thirty degree position. Now look at the five inch mark on the ruler visualize how short it moved from when it was horizontal. Notice that the holding place (telescope) is in the same position and on the wall the distance of the trajectory moved very much more. The telescope is on earth and the earth is rotating; the stars and Andromeda are at the point of the horizontal position: Andromeda "galaxy" on the wall; a milky way star at the five inch mark.

Conclusion: if Andromeda was a galaxy it would move thru the telescope at an enormous speed.

--Blackness -- Considering the number of light years outside the Milky Way galaxy estimated by Hubble and then NASA of the Andromeda position it is huge estimate of close to 2.5 million light years which if it were true meaning pure absolute blackness of space -- nothingness for light years upon light years until the reaching of Andromeda this compounded to huge degrees than between any stars inside the Milky Way. Incomprehensible.

--Periscope -- to date being impossible for mankind to periscope anywhere outside the Milky Way galaxy. No probe or camara has ever made it outside the Milky Way.

--Hinging -- Any listing of any object being said outside the Milky Way as Andromeda being the largest: all hinges on the concept of Andromeda being a galaxy far away outside the Milky Way.

As Andromeda can be found between the constellations Cassiopeia and Pegasus it always remains but to focus on any object at such a great distance as said Andromeda even between two such positions would mean an enourmous trajectory change than anything inside the Milky Way -- meaning speed on the focus. It's not what the object is between it's the distance it is.