Tale of Untorquing the Timewave

It turns out the underworld caused perpetual interference to the Torque of the timewave since January 6, 2012 specifically as of October 5, 2013. This happened that the dark angels got a capitulation from the rulers in the world to cause a cross waveform to interfere with the torqued waveform. So being that as of some point since January 6, 2012 especially as of late the torqued waveform has been interferred by the cross waveform thus messing the torqued waveform up to an increasing degree.

The dark angels had sufficiently prepared particular nations in charge to undergo a capitulation for December 17, 2015 so to untorque the timewave back up to the Philadelphia experiment position. As in the graph below this shows the waveform of the Philadelphia experiment in 1943 and then the torque of the waveform in 1979 thus to see the untorque just visialize the torqued waveform moving back up to the other. To further see into this notice the years on the t-axis of the numberline and move the torqued waveform node point of year 2019 back up to the Philadelphia experiment node point of year 2023 -- this was the untorque.

But futher the dark angels were forced to ask for recapitulation because of some cheating in the original capitulation. So a recapitulation was undergone in early February 2016 to reverify which was successful and thus the following is what happened:
1. Just prior to February 2016 the untorqued waveform of the recapitulation of December 17, 2015 was moved back to the torque node position on the t-axis numberline being year 2019.
2. Next was the recapitulation in early February 2016 which was successful.
3. The entities sought to lock-in the recapitulation so a deal was sought with the upper realms that since there needed to be a recapitulation that the entities wanted leeway to move the waveform back to the time period of Aquarius. Though the entities didn't say the year only that the angel from the upper realms iterated that the suppose was the Zodiak? The answer being yes by the entities but it is apparent to the writer of the tale that the waveform node point not being supposed to be brought back before Aries in 2017 specifically April 17, 2017 though the enitities didn't get a negative by the angel so there brought the waveform node position back to date January 28, 2017 being in Aquarius. Next the entities immediately moved the waveform node point back up to year 2023 this would lock-in the recapitulation so that it could not be undone. The upper realms position was that they'd give it up because of the interference by the crosswave form being done and to note that Satan wanted the node point year 2023 for the three and one-half years for when the end of the age started. The reasoning for the lock-in was disparagement and time over the cheating indictments. What the entities really desired was to bring the waveform back for the lock-in to December 17, 2016 but this was denied thereby Aquarius in 2017 was allowed.

It is to note that when the waveform was moved to node January 28, 2017 position midnight U.S. central time for the whole earth that it was to last five minutes and there was a noticed speed up in the biorhythm of the earth thus it could be noticed -- this was very much torque. Then quickly the waveform moved to the node of year 2023.

Supposedly there were three thumps which should have been felt by the earth's inhabitants by these three movements. The writer of the tale did not feel the three thumps as is still on the torque of the timewave this being node for year 2019 as location being in U.S. central time.

UPDATE (January 25, 2017): In the Spring of 2016 shortly after the waveform moved to node year 2023, Satan further wanted the waveform to be moved to 2025 this being even a flatter position as this is what did occur. This went on for just about two months as during this position trailer #3 was able using the emf signals to freeze-up certain persons in his subjection in order to put them down by blinking them upon the freeze-up so not to be to conspicuous. When the putting down was finished Satan then had the waveform moved back to the 2023 position this all in Spring 2016. Also to note that only three persons on earth were and are not on this waveform of 2023 but were and are on the torque waveform of 2019 which being: the writer of the tale, the one off the porch, and the bio parent female of the moonchild which was put on this waveform because of a special capitulation. The upper realms were reason for three on the 2019 waveform and thus had to send in cocking waves to only these three in Spring 2016 in order to keep the three from becoming rubberish. After the waveform was returned back from the 2025 position to the 2023 position then the cocking waveforms were discontinued in Spring 2016.

Now in January 2017 the underworld again has moved the waveform node position to year 2025 this also for same activity as previously. Not known how long this will last. It didn't last very long only a few months then Satan brought the waveform back to node point 2023 position for the reason of being to flat to sustain in which after it had been brought back some of his people who were literally kept on the 2025 waveform position began freezing up. The bio parent of the moonchild no longer on earth as in January 2017. (End of Update).

Two Dates; Two Capitulations

Before the two dates are given first the concept of how this works is explained in that an offer is given by the underworld to nations or Industry but in return the persons involved not only perform the capitulation of the offer but also unknowingly give up a part of their structure for the capitulation. The part of the structure involves a certain auto-program in the minds of all in the capitulation it being taken from them. The underworld seeks to get this from the masses and this was done directly after world war II in some type of capitulation where the persons involved of the masses lost a part of their structure: it is said of trailer #3 they could not jump with their hands free. Also as a side note there is an autoprogram being a favorite of Satan which involves colon action for the structure of fecal matter.

August 17, 2015 -- the capitulation is called the love trick this by the writer of the tale. What happened is that just as above an auto-program was taken unknowingly this involves the part of the mouth under the nose.
December 17, 2015 -- the capitulation is called the squirt trick. What happened is that just as above an auto-program was taken unknowingly this involves the etching of the fingers. Some cheating was involved on this date by the underworld so then the auto-program was given back to the involved.
April 17, 2016 -- there was another capitulation around this date this capitulation is called the non-horse trick. What happened is that an autoprogram was taken involving the horse aspect of control. In further addition about the autoprograms that are taken is that in the mind there are many slides of all aspects some being even unknown. Upon pulling a slide then the autoprogram is gone unless the slide is put back in. It can be dangerous pulling unknown slides or multiple slides but there are many defined slides as above that are known and which can be pulled not only by the underworld or the upper realms but also by humans who can enter the mind.

Now when the slides are taken then they are kept by that person or entity and would be a capitulation in putting it back. Now with the underworld in keeping slides they can keep them or Satan having access into the upper realms can throw them into a place of holy water a pond which is located in the upper realms. The pond of holy water keeps the slides which they cannot be taken out without a capitulation.

As a note: the underworld has no sympathy; they being vulnerable to loss of structure in the underworld.

UPDATE: April 2018

As a note although the Torque was generated January 6, 2012, it was rescinded because of the underworld around December 17, 2015 back to the Philadelphia Experiment waveform being node point 2023; then in Spring 2016 to an even flatter waveform with node point at August 12, 2025; then some months later the waveform was put back to the Philadelphia Experiment waveform with node point at August 12, 2023. At the time of the December 17, 2015 move of the waveform the writer of the tale was kept on the Torque waveform in resonance and also another person being a product of the street the mother of the moonchild the one of the satanic saga of the soul was put on the Torque waveform although the person now off planet. The writer of the tale now being only person as known walking the Torque waveform not in just resonance but literally walking the Torque waveform being more extreme than in just resonance. The one-off-the-porch was not kept on the Torque waveform when it was rescinded in December 17, 2015.