Tale of the Core
: Strange--Part II

This is not known but is of the tale where there were three houses. Can someone knock on your door? The three houses were somewhere -- in Idaho or Montana. Never been there ever but it is part of the tale. A one can enter in being a female about seventeen years old because there is an issue. Something happens -- it is strange. The three houses from time to time -- it is strange at least this is part of the tale.

Another part of the tale in a place aways away in the state of Arkansas at a core -- it is a rock quarry with deep water about June of 1981. There three people teenage mid to up are up above over the core the acquaintance from the earlier tale seeks that the one writing the tale to jump there is protest it is deep is far it is a core. After some protest the acquaintance takes up that he and the other will jump and they do jump at same time. The one writing the tale does look and sees and they are there in the deep water and the writer does decide to jump and jumps and they all in the core far down into the core, deep filled with water. Something strange, the air, no sound, the woods, nobody. Exit the water at a close point. This part so obscure something has become so obscure. The woods just beyond there is a trail there is a girl teenage mid to up brown hair she has a black pistol -- this so obscure. The acquaintance seeks to talk with the girl and go down the trail as the writer and the other wait. This not known but the acquaintance gives the girl something -- it is a trinket. The girl and the acquaintance come back down the trail, the other person of the wait had walked back up to the car. This not known so obscure the girl goes to the person writing the tale to ask something of strange. The question like of the issue and of the three houses but that the girl introduces herself and ask name of the writer then says: "whenever I meet knew friends I always have one of them kiss my hand so if I hold out my hand will you kiss my hand; but if I hold my hand out I'm going to intend it to be kissed" as so serious seemed the look. Seeming eery the writer contemplated as the thought and said yes and so the girl after short pause held out her hand and the writer kissed her hand. The girl quickly wisked her hand down and says something like "this hand is deserving to be kissed" then turns walks past the acquaintance departs down the trail and seems to disappear down trail in woods. But what of the other that had went to the car not a question for he was gone he left in his car. The trinket was not known for it had come from a certain place this from 1977.

THIS NOT KNOWN but is part of the tale. This of strange it is not known it cannot be known but is part of the tale.

This is a meaning what happens of the tale. The three of the jump were at the top of the core the one writing the tale was tailed by the trailers, the acquaintance was also tailed by the trailers, the other person it is unknown but that it was trailer #3 in the Fate of the Trailers. The one writing the tale had rejected the trinket in an earlier time in 1977 about four years prior the acquaintance it is unknown but apparently was given the trinket at the same earlier time. The acquaintance is the one who wanted the jump apparently possessing the trinket. But this only at top of the core. Remember the three houses they not know the ones who tail then the jump brings the three of the core to the bottom of the core where the girl is of the three houses. The top of the core was separated in realm from the bottom of the core. The two separate operations of the ones who tail and of the three houses had gotten mixed-up unknowing to the both. The trinket then was given to the girl. When given to girl underneath the separation the girl was not subject to the trinket but could only be monitored because within the realm the rules change. This not known the operation in underground by occult entities Los Alamos New Mexico they monitor the trinket: all trinkets of these types monitored by entities residing in secret underground bases they know the rules for the rules are not only of them. The ones who tail were under operation of Los Alamos underground which is now ruled by entities--the ones who tail were the original recipients of the trinket by the entities. It is the entities who monitor the trinket; the ones who tail monitor the one writing the tale--another tale Tale of the Start. The operation of the three houses from other underground base not in U.S. or Canada not known but in underground of Britain Thames River secret underground. This not known the question by the girl was for a capitulation involving the three houses the one to go down as per trailer #3 was a new born infant female being the niece of the girl; the infant being clone DNA of one off the porch from Tale of the Loop.