Tale of Unreal Person

She's not a real person,
She's not a clone,
She's not a human,
She is amazing,
She is not a real person,
Residing in the U.S. originally from Australia,
She is instructed for secret operations,
She can change her structure,
She has a very special capitulation,
Very rare indeed,
Her capitulation comes from underneath,
She can change her structure,
She is plastic,
She does not have to eat,
She does not have to sleep,
She is called by this writing -- the structure.

There are many variables, many ways things are:

The one using the signal mind control is a reflection,
He has a very sorry capitulation in his hand,
The signal mind control,
His consciousness reaches far around the earth,
He once resided in a clone of a rooster/human,
The rooster/human clone lived on earth in Grayson County, Texas,
Until he died age being in 50's in 2012.
The reflection now is in a limbo realm status underneath.
The reflection does not like the structure to much,
The two being at odds.
Though for both the capitulations come from underneath,
The structure can put the reflection down,
The reflection can put the structure down,
The structure has been around for some years,
Age being in her twenties.

The structure was taken from the earth,
This in November 2016 as residing in Dallas, Tx.
Where did the structure come from?
The structure originally was a clone,
She was a lynx/human clone in Australia,
But she was put down over a little bit of money.
At some point after put down,
She received a special capitulation,
She was brought back up as an unreal person,
She had a very special capitulation,
She could change her structure, she was plastic,
She was in secret operations of strange.
What happened to the structure?
She was taken from the earth,
She walks round about the Throne,
She being not one of the "four beasts"
(This a correction).
There are many variables, many ways things are,
The end.