Tale of Road Destruction in City of Dallas

Strategy of road destruction is for control even uncertainty and fear. It is being carried out in Dallas Texas by the entities by setting up two precise roads for destruction and two perpendicular roads. This is meant to set the city upon a new simultaneous course for control and degradation. The emphasis is a new paradigm of control. The two roads in the city set for destruction unbeknown are Walnut Hill Lane and Royal Lane to be sabotaged; the two perpendicular roads also to be sabotaged are Marsh Lane and either Midway Road or Inwood Road (not possitive). The way this is carried out is secret sabotage unbeknown excepting to the entities and to some degree trailer #3. By their network of control of certain humans they are able to carry this out. It works in that the entities basiscally channel to a certain human in the network in requiring service certain duty to be carried out. The human has a skinny semi truck and an order to pick up a tanker filled with hydrogen peroxide. The human drives in the night along the prescribed roads listed above and from valve below tanker leaks out the hydrogen peroxide onto the road as the entities relate. The hydrogen peroxide seeps into the road but does destruction to the road unbeknown for weeks from now being in April 2014 the roads will crumble. The above has been performed as the roads await for destruction. The crumbling will also be explained in that the entities for some years for the city of Dallas since today have spiked the powder concrete with an agenda. The entities have deveised a scheme of shaking the powder dust out of the concrete unbeknown to most even in the buisiness -- the concrete will crumble. In addition to this as information from trailer #3 strip concrete work had been done on both Walnut Hill Lane and Royal Lane in an earlier year very small charges were set at the time of the work underneath the concrete to cause a small plum underneath the concrete at a radio signal. There was a capitulation by the entities because of the upper realms not to set off the charges underneath Royal Lane; not the case for Walnut Hill Lane the charges were set off in early Fall 2014 the concrete will buckle.

Streetsweepers -- a scheme by the entities and to some degree trailer #3 to use visionary overlays of streetsweepers in the night on the roads listed above. Though the streets were not swept. Visionary overlays via Thames secret underground dwelling place of trailer #3 at the time in early 2014.

Esoteric realm -- no esoteric realm allowed in the city of Dallas this is because of the Tale of The Line which any esoteric realm involving the Dallas area has been prohibited since January 13, 2012 by the upper realms. But the entities have devised a scheme that they will try to mimic an esoteric realm in the reality. By this they create an actual reality of a realm desired by them the entities. This will all work for control with the grand scale work farther north in the Dallas area this being all in reality for the future setup coming for mankind.