End of the Age--End of Time

As this website shows in various places the end of the age as was supposed to be the end of the 6000th year since the time of the seven-day creation in 4003 B.C.; the 6000th year being the year 1997/1998 also being the Jewish year 5758. The end of the age includes the time of the three and one-half year great tribulation up to it's consummation -- the end of the 6000th year. Without interference the three and one-half years would have started in Fall 1994 and consummated in the Spring of 1998. The one-thousand year reign of Jesus Christ also would have started in that Spring of year 1998. To reiterate the end of the 6000th year since the seven-day creation was the year of 1997/1998.

As known this end did not happen in 1997/1998 referring to the three and one-half year great tribulation and the ushering in of the one-thousand year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ being the duration of the 7000th year to bring God's plan to the end of time as persuant the seven-day creation.

As the graph below depicts what would have happened if not for an interference which will be explained later in this writing. Graph I depicts from right to left in linear time.

Graph I:

                                               🠈🠈🠈 🠈🠈🠈   linear time movement   🠈🠈🠈 🠈🠈🠈
                                                                 (in years)
                                                                                                                 Seven-Day Creation: Milky Way
                                                                                                                galaxy created on the fourth day.
                                                                                                                       🠋           ┃      🠉
                                 Day 7       Day 6       Day 5       Day 4       Day 3       Day 2       Day 1         🠋           ┃      🠉
                                  🠋           🠋          🠋          🠋           🠋          🠋          🠋                        ┃
      **              End                                                                                          Beginning        ┃ The Earth
   ETERNITY  🠈🠈🠈🠈   of   7000 ━━━━━━ 6000 ━━━━━━ 5000 ━━━━━━ 4000 ━━━━━━ 3000 ━━━━━━ 2000 ━━━━━━ 1000 ━━━━━━ 🠈🠈    of           ┃     in
      **              Time   |           |           |           |           |           |           |                Time          ┃  Time Past
                       |     |           |           |           |           |           |           |                  |           ┃
                  3016/|   2997/       1997/        997/         4/        1004/       2004/       3004/              4003/         ┃
                  3017-|---2998        1998         998          3         1003        2003        3003               4002          ┃
                  A.D. |   A.D.       |A.D.         A.D.        B.C.       B.C.        B.C.        B.C.               B.C.          ┃
                       |              |
                       |              |
                      End            End of the Age by August 12, 2023.
                     Forever -- forever being up til the End of Time.

THE INTERFERENCE -- this being the reason the Seven Seals were not opened and the consummation did not take place at the end of the 6000th year being the year 1997/1998 to be the end of the age and to bring in the one-thousand year reign of Jesus Christ.

The interference was caused by what was known in the mysterious circles as the Philadelphia Experiment during the early years of World War II which involved mathematicians, quantum physics, and scientists such as Tesla, Einstein, Von Neumann, and Levinson to name the main instigators. The experiment was intended to make a battleship disappear in wake of German U-boats which were sinking ships at the time in the early stages of the war. The experiment was performed on August 12, 1943 and ended up opening a rift in time and space and making a portal to the future to August 12, 1983 which at that time was instigating the Montauk Project experiment on August 12, 1983. This rift in time and space and the portal caused a time-wave to be generated which ended up being the end result of the Philadelphia Experiment.

But basically this is not the end of the story. Graph II below will show what was caused by this experiment. So to continue this experiment caused a time-wave to be generated on the planet earth which resonated with human frequency because human frequency was used in the experiment as well as the zero-time reference at the center of the galaxy. Humans were going to be on the battleship thus making the battleship disappear would need to entail human frequencies or it would harm the humans which the experiment did in fact do and the experiment was scrapped after the opening up of the rift in time and space and the portal. Of the thirty-three naval servicemen on the ship in the experiment many were killed in the experiment or went insane because of the messed-up frequencies and the human's time-locks.

Graph II below shows that the Philadelphia Experiment in the Philadelphia Naval Yard involving the Battleship Eldridge on August 12, 1943 had generated a time-wave of two cycles running from August 12, 1943 to August 12, 2023. The portal which was opened up and the rift in time and space into the future from 1943 was connected and locked into the future date at the time to August 12, 1983: This was the first cycle; the second cycle was from August 12, 1983 to August 12, 2023. It is for this reason there has been a delay enabled for the end of the age.

The following graph depicts the occurrence:

Graph II

But this still is not the end of the story. It needs to be said that it was Satan who desired to create the time-wave and was truly behind the failure of the Philadelphia Experiment. But in creating the time-wave was not enough for to create a delay for the end of the age; it only enabled a delay. Something else was needed to lock in a delay so Satan and the Upper realms played a GAME in the year 1979 on the date June 6, 1979. This GAME would either Torque the time-wave to June 6, 2019, or else keep the time-wave to August 12, 2023 as this latter date being Satan's desire. So the GAME was played on that date June 6, 1979 and at the closing of the GAME to be explained later the Upper realms won the GAME which this caused the time-wave to torque. But Satan sought to usurp the GAME and prevail in another fashion to win it back on a different retry to attempt to put the time-wave back up to August 12, 2023. In the GAME of 1979, though, was caused a time-loop to occur inside the time-wave of the Philadelphia Experiment as shown on graph II above. This time-loop is what caused the delay for the time of the end of the age, however without the time-loop of the GAME Satan was going to seek another method for seeking a delay for the end-node point of August 12, 2023 which this was Satan's desire. This other method would be a performed mass capitulation by the world system for Satan to be able to prevail for getting a delay up to the August 12, 2023 end-node point but since the GAME would be played Satan didn't need to try to perform this until he lost the GAME then Satan intended to prevail with a mass capitulation which to be explained later was basically a retry to win.

The Torque of the time-wave involved the time frame from June 6, 1979 thru June 6, 2019. In the GAME with the Upper realms winning the GAME which this did happen then the timewave of the Philadelphia Experiment would be torqued to a new end-node point at June 6, 2019; with Satan winning the GAME which he did not then the time-wave would be locked in to the original Philadelphia Experiment waveform which had been generated on August 12, 1943 with an end-node point at August 12, 2023. Being kind of complicated the Torque of the time-wave transposed the Philadelphia Experiment time-wave to change the end-node point from August 12, 2023 to June 6, 2019. This did happen. The way the Torque was to work was that in the GAME there would be a time-loop created inside the Philadelphia Experiment time-wave. At the closing of this loop it would determine the winner of the GAME. The time-loop created went from June 6, 1979 to close on June 6, 2011. However, with Satan cheating in May of 2011 then Satan succeeded in delaying the closing but the Upper realms made a new date for the closing which would be January 6, 2012. The time-loop did close on that date and the Upper realms won the GAME. It may be remembered in June of 2011 fires were burning Los Alamos, New Mexico the reasoning was because of the cheating by Satan in May of that year so the Upper realms threw fire on Los Alamos. The Upper realms won the GAME on January 6, 2012 -- the new date for the end of the age would now be June 6, 2019.

But still this is not the end of the story.
Satan won on a retry: Satan sought to undue the Torque by another method by performing a mass capitulation in the world system.
The retry occurred on December 17, 2015 which was a mass capitulation by the world system on earth which allowed Satan and the dark angels to move the waveform back up to the original Philadelphia Experiment position of August 12, 2023: this untorqued the waveform. This did occur but because of more cheating by Satan at that time then in January of 2016 a month after the untorque then because of the cheating the waveform had to be moved back to the Torque waveform position of June 6, 2019. Then in the next month early February of 2016 Satan sought again another mass capitulation by the world system called a recapitulation in order to move the waveform back up again to the 2023 position. This is the position Satan desired. This did occur and the waveform is now back to the original Philadelphia Experiment position of August 12, 2023 as the new time cut-off date for the end of the age as Satan has desired. This meaning the end of the age has to happen on or before this date of August 12, 2023. If the waveform would have stayed on the Torque position of June 6, 2019 then the end of the age would have already happened by that date. The Upper realms desired the Torque position in the GAME. If Satan had not won on the retry then the end of the age would have commenced on or by the date June 6, 2019.

The intricates of the GAME will not be going into here, but it's always a game with Satan -- it's blackjack like the twenty-one angels who failed in the Book of Enoch.

END OF THE AGE -- So to explain the end of the age and how this happens. The end of the age occurs with the opening of the Seven Seals which at that time will begin the three and one-half year great tribulation which will last 1290 days. But this three and one-half years cannot go past the date of August 12, 2023 so in essence with the opening of the Sixth Seal there is prospectively going to be a Time-Backward event. This event as shown on this website (maybe crudely) will move the Milky Way galaxy back to the year on the timeline of 2013 specifically to the date October 5, 2013 with the earth in the October position around the Sun. (Can look at graph III). The three and one-half years will be from October 6, 2013 thru April 17, 2017 which is 1290 days. This is the end of the age after which on the 1335th day as in the Book of Daniel will be the start of the one-thousand year reign of Jesus Christ. As a side note: the Torque position of 2019 would have also required the Backwards-time event.

Graph III

In conclusion: both the Seven Seals and the three and one-half year great tribulation both have to occur before the end of the second cycle which the end-node point is on August 12, 2023. The Backward-time event of the Sixth Seal allows this to be the case. In addition: the one-thousand year reign of Jesus Christ which begins on the 1335th day is on the date June 1, 2017. The end of time then on Graph I as displayed will be extended from 2997/2998 A.D. to year 3016/3017 A.D. because of the delay caused by the interference as a result of the Philadelphia Experiment.

"After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."
(Hosea 6:2).

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
(2 Peter 3:8).

1. The information in this writing about the Philadelphia Experiment was attained by various Al Bielek lectures and interviews. [from Intervision, Inc., 2000 (www.bielek.com/index.htm)--CD interviews about the "Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk Survivors"].
2. The information about the GAME, the Torque of the time-wave and the retry by Satan: for that information comes from myself the writer as the writer was one of two persons who formed the time-loop which resulted in the torque of the time-wave with the other person being a prominent person female at the time of 1979 and even now. This like in the Philadelphia Experiment which also involved two persons from the battleship which had caused the original time-wave.
3. [2 Enoch LXVIII]
4. [Daniel 12:12]

Created by this website:
September 2022. Published
by: Where is the Antichrist?