Tale of Catfish

This tale refers about a demonstration or experiment earlier in 2013 in the underworld of Hell involving spirits, entities, and angels which was theorized since times of old yet not demonstrated. It started out that first trailer #3 had wondered to the writer of the tale that there is no animal on the planet known that can digest a spirit. As trailer #3 iterated this the entities knew not of an animal and that Hell for a reason did not desire to contemplate the theory. That if so then the animal would become the spirit. The writer of the tale thought and responded and stated a catfish. Since the writer of the tale had said this the entities now knowing did immediately send this information down below for examination. (This being how Hell works). By the entities now knowing Hell further below did need to demonstrate though it was not desired. So the demonstration to take place further below in the esoteric realm by the entities as Satan at the farthest did already test the demonstration beforehand in 2013 and according to trailer #3 did always know the theory.

The entities in the esoteric realm contructed a mud farm with catfish present in the mud farm. There is some way in the esoteric that the entities are able to construct this in animation to a certain correctness and this was how it being done. So with the catfish in place the entities involved two spirits of mankind into the esoteric realm using blood bait on the spirits for the catfish. Two huge catfish did each get the spirits and did digest them thus the catfish immediately became the spirits yet the spirits would only seek to eat what a catfish desired.

Yet information coming from Satan told to the entities of potential problem that the one catfish could digest the other as the catfish were not of the same size. That in this scenario the larger catfish could become something monstrous for the esoteric realm in a certain way.